Halloween is around the corner

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I am ready!

What girl doesnt like getting dressed up and wearing a hopefully cute costume and going to a party and spending time with her friends.

We are having a party this year, I am so excited.
I am feeling like an upper east side New York party planner and I love it.

Pinterest has been fueling my ideas for what should be done.

Thinking of making mummy dogs. ( crescent dough with a mini hot dog).
And I am going to go find some type of costume, I am not going to buy my costume though.

I found this wonderful boho chic shop, that has all sorts of bits and ends to make an amazing halloween costume.
Bring on the thrifting!

Everything should just stay pumpkin till thanksgiving.
Pumpkin everything is what is needed for a while..
Though part of me is so ready for gingerbread and eggnog lattes.
/Oh the joys of the ever so wonderful holiday season feel as though they are right around the corner!

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