A Greater Reward Comes From a Greater Risk.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Risks...there are levels of risks that you can take. You can take a small risk however usually in return you will receive a small reward.

Sometimes you just have to jump off of the cliff and pray that all turns out okay.
Sometimes you have to have faith in yourself that at the end of the day you made the right decision.
Whether the risk be illegal like speeding and getting a ticket.
Maybe its a really good risk like going out on a date with this guy you have had your eye on but you're really nervous.
I have been taking risks recently, I have been trying to see what life is really about.
..Not that I will ever figure that out anyways. However, it's a good dream that one day I will know what this whole life thing is really about.

Sometimes risks cause us to fall down, we fall hard. And we learn something from the reward. We learn as we fall we have to get back up...and in the process of getting back up we are able to learn more about life, we are able to become stronger people.

An example from my life recently was wondering if I should take this internship that was a gift practically. I was weighing all of my pros and cons and in the end there were more pros than cons...of course the cons were evident and they were kind of a bummer...however the risk was going to provide me with a greater reward which was I was going to be able to take two steps forward after I finished the internship. And I would be bettering myself. It seemed in the end like the perfect opportunity. Of course at the time it was up in the air whether or not I'd get the internship. I still had to go through the interview process.

I prepared for the interview, found out as much about the company as I could, picked out the perfect outfit, had two practice interviews with friends. I made sure I was ready, and I was nervous, oh yes, I was very nervous but I was also prepared and confident. What an odd combination of emotions when you think about it, however it made sense to me.

At the end of the day...I got the internship, the risk was great but the reward was just as great. I could not be happier. I took a risk that I was unsure of, I made different plans, I changed my views and I took the risk.
I could not be happier with my decision. While there will always be cons....at the end of the day the pros outweigh the cons.

So take risks, jump off of a hypothetical mountain and see where you land, sometimes the risks are what better us as people.

Do you take risks? Have you had good and bad risks?

Keep Calm and Carry On

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